Blog Posts

My Shocking First Brand Test Case

Jim Stein

I’ll share a personal story that taught me a great lesson about how much brand matters. When I was a young teenager, I started working directly with the public via part-time jobs. Over time, I started to notice how good brands were more influential than good people.

Follow These 7 Steps to Increase Your Job Win Rate

Jim Stein

We are built to imagine future scenarios.   Often without trying, we’ll catch ourselves thinking about an upcoming event or a process that we’ll be going through to attain a goal. We want to make good choices and avoid bad ones, so our brains keep imagining good and bad future scenarios.   The higher the […]

Why is Helpful Expertise so Important?

Jim Stein

  Giving Helpful Expertise means meeting customers where they are by customizing your responses based on their job specifics, personal communication style and pacing.   Too often companies fail to help customers because   of mismatched communication styles they don’t provide answers to key unasked questions – your potential customers don’t know what they need […]

Who You Do Business With Matters the Most

Jim Stein

Most owners aren’t aware of how big a difference there is between fueling their companies with Quality Customers versus Bad and Second-Rate Customers. It’s the difference between a wonderful dream and a nightmare.

What’s Your Surprise?

Jim Stein

How your team delivers on your customers’ expectations forms the basis for their satisfaction. So, it’s worth reviewing the implications of this basic fact and relooking at your internal customer-related processes to ensure they’re having the desired effect.

Meaning: Why Potential Clients Choose Them Over You

Jim Stein

When talking to your competitors, your potential clients have heard it all. “We’re the best. We’re the biggest. We care about you. We deliver quality.” Yet, they know these claims don’t necessarily correlate with their experiences after they buy. Face it—there’s a lot of noise in the market…

Create the Hot Center

Jim Stein

What’s the best path to search out and attract new customers to your company? I’ll give you a hint: The best answer is not to get a metaphorical bullhorn and promote your message to the far corners of your market area. In fact, I’m suggesting a path that starts inside of you. Yes, you…

Bottom of the Funnel

Jim Stein

Your potential Quality Customer is deciding between you and a couple of other companies. You know how it goes. Before they choose, they always research you and your competitors. Everybody does it, whether it’s a shallow check of two minutes or a deeper dive of twenty. You have to win this research matchup to close the deal…

More Quality Customers

Jim Stein

Staying focused on Quality Customers allows you to prune the less desirable customers. In this way, you’re building your company based on 1) quality margin work, 2) a satisfied, loyal staff, 3) positive cash flow, and 4) your company growing in value so it can be sold at some point in the future…

Flip the Trust Switch!

Jim Stein

What if it was as easy as flipping a switch to get your prospective customers (Prospects) to trust your company? You simply reach for the trust switch, flip it to the ON position, and your Prospect immediately changes from someone who is claim-fatigued, close-minded and skeptical into someone who trusts you and your company…

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