Top 10 Posts

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All About Positioning: An Interview With Greg Louie

American Ratings Corporation CEO Greg Louie gives his expert opinion on dealing with Quality Customers.

Matthew Solis
Published Date: May 14, 2024

Greg Louie is the founder and CEO of American Ratings Corporation.

Recently, I sat down with Greg Louie, founder and CEO of American Ratings Corporation, creators of Diamond Certified Resource, to get his perspective on Quality Customers and why it’s so important for businesses to focus on attracting and keeping them. Here’s what he had to say:


Q: What makes a Quality Customer?
A: To me, a Quality Customer is someone who’s looking for quality in the service that they’re purchasing and willing to pay a fair price for it. These are not people who are constantly negotiating price and holding their reviews hostage to get a better price. Quality Customers are willing to pay to use a trustworthy business that’s going to do the job right. Continue reading “All About Positioning: An Interview With Greg Louie”

Helpful Expertise #2: Responsiveness

Set a response commitment to give your customers a clear standard to reference when they're waiting for follow-up.

Jim Stein
Published Date: May 7, 2024

Responsiveness is the perceived time it takes for your team to act on promised and implied commitments. By definition these implied commitments are unspoken and often assumed by custom, like returning a phone call within two days. Since there’s no official rule of response times per channel between company and customer, unless you specifically set a response commitment, each customer judges your responsiveness subjectively based on their individual sense of what the standard should be for the channel of communication and the nature of the commitment. Continue reading “Helpful Expertise #2: Responsiveness”

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