All About Positioning: An Interview With Greg Louie

American Ratings Corporation CEO Greg Louie gives his expert opinion on dealing with Quality Customers.

Matthew Solis
Published Date: May 14, 2024

Greg Louie is the founder and CEO of American Ratings Corporation.

Recently, I sat down with Greg Louie, founder and CEO of American Ratings Corporation, creators of Diamond Certified Resource, to get his perspective on Quality Customers and why it’s so important for businesses to focus on attracting and keeping them. Here’s what he had to say:


Q: What makes a Quality Customer?
A: To me, a Quality Customer is someone who’s looking for quality in the service that they’re purchasing and willing to pay a fair price for it. These are not people who are constantly negotiating price and holding their reviews hostage to get a better price. Quality Customers are willing to pay to use a trustworthy business that’s going to do the job right.


Q: What’s the best way for a company to gain more Quality Customers?
A: It’s all about positioning. If you position your business with proof of performance to show people that you’ve satisfied your clients with the products and services they’ve received, I believe you’ll be able to gain more Quality Customers. I would also avoid promoting your business on “best price” or discounts, because if you advertise for a deal, you’ll attract people who are always looking for a low price. Instead, advertise yourself based on the quality of your work and give examples. If you do that, you’ll attract the right types of customers. They’re not always easy to find, but if you do the right type of messaging, you’ll attract them and become more profitable because of that.

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