EGO and Customer Satisfaction: Part 3

Align expectations to create a clear path to customer satisfaction.

Jim Stein
Published Date: July 17, 2024

Customer Interaction: Understanding and Managing Expectations
Establish up front what your customer expects from you by asking, “What results do you expect to see from our work?” When you understand the customer’s expectations, you can address any misconceptions before the work begins. After you’ve done this, confirm with a statement about what you’ll do and then ask the follow-up question, “Would that be helpful to you?” or some variation. Gaining her agreement to this question binds you both in a psychological contract. It establishes the standard for satisfactory performance in the customer’s mind.


This conversation may sound like you’re giving up control to the customer, but the reality is you’ve prompted them to commit to one mutually acceptable marker for satisfaction. You’ve preempted the “moving target.” Now you will focus on this standard.

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EGO and Customer Satisfaction: Part 3

Jim Stein

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