Flip the Trust Switch!

Overcoming customer fear is the key to growth.

Jim Stein
Published Date: May 17, 2023

What if it was as easy as flipping a switch to get your prospective customers (Prospects) to trust your company? You simply reach for the trust switch, flip it to the ON position, and your Prospect immediately changes from someone who is claim-fatigued, close-minded and skeptical into someone who trusts you and your company and is open-minded and attentive to the ideas you’re about to present. Sounds like a dream world, right? Actually, it should be a reality for more than two-thirds of your Prospects.


The Survival Instinct of Fear, Fear, Fear, Fear
Why the mistrust in the first place? Fear. It’s the reason Prospects don’t trust your company. They don’t have direct experience using your company. They recognize they don’t have expertise in your field, plus they’re inundated with claims from your competitors—claims they know may be exaggerated or even false. Naturally, during the shopping process, they fear getting bad quality, they fear you may not price fairly or you’ll extract overcharges, they fear you’ll make promises and not keep them, and they fear your team may not have the expertise to deal with their exact needs.


This fear of the unknown is actually healthy for Prospects because it prevents them from jumping at any offer made to them. On the negative side, it closes their minds to your presentation of how your company will deliver quality, keep its promises, be fair with pricing and take an expert approach to their work. Even though you do a good job of differentiating your company from your competitors, their lack of trust prevents their brains from fully seeing and embracing how good your company performs. It’s as if they’re wearing dark glasses that shield their brains from absorbing your company’s track record and advantages.


Flip Your Company’s High-Trust Switch ON
Your solution is to flip your company’s High-Trust Switch ON by reducing fear and gaining trust. Do this as early as possible in the Prospect/Company interaction so the resulting higher trust helps each Prospect see and believe your key points that follow within that and future interactions.


The first interaction usually occurs on the web or through customer referrals. That means Prospects gain or lose trust in your company before they even meet you. Flip on the High-Trust Switch on your website and in search so Prospects believe the content on your site and trust your company right from the start.

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