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Creating Your Hot Center – Step 1: An Alignment of One
Jim Stein
You are the absolute center of your company’s Hot Center. Look inward to expand outward. The hotter the center, the more it attracts Quality Customers to your company. In this step, you’ll articulate your company’s most important Values and Principles. You need to get this on paper. Download and use the Hot Center Worksheet […]

Creating Your Hot Center – Step 2: Add Your Team
Jim Stein
If every employee behaved as you do with other staff and customers, how hot would your company’s Hot Center glow? If SUPER HOT flashed into your mind, you’re right. Whether you have one or 100 team members, adding your team’s aligned thinking and actions to your own Hot Center will power your company’s engine for […]

Creating Your Hot Center – Step 3: Quality Customers Join
Jim Stein
Expand your company’s Hot Center to include your best customers by selecting those who are fans and significant purchasers of your services. Your “Voice of the Customer” tour.During my work at American Ratings Corporation, we’ve conducted customer satisfaction research for thousands of local companies, and they’re a great tool for Diamond Certified company owners. I […]

Big Ticket/One-Time Quality Customers Math
Jim Stein
Lots of local companies provide services that Quality Customers purchase once and then not again for a long time. In this post, I focus on these Big Ticket/One-Time companies and do the math on the difference on a per customer basis between doing business with a Quality Customer versus a Bad or 2nd-Rate Customer. The […]

Interview With Jim Stein, President of OP J inc
Matthew Solis
Q: What are the main identifying features of Quality Customers? A: Quality Customers have four key dimensions. First, they seek quality as their number one shopping priority. Second, they have the wherewithal to afford to pay for quality. Third, they demonstrate a personal integrity that takes pride in fair dealings. Finally, they’re loyal and much […]